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What to expect for tech in 2024

It’s difficult to understate the central role that technology now plays both in our personal and our work lives. For businesses contending with increasingly competitive and volatile markets, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success and sustained growth. As technology gets smarter, it’s also reshaping the way businesses operate, how they connect with customers, and how they market themselves.

With that in mind, it’s valuable to understand the key technology trends for the year ahead – which trends should we look out for and what innovations will make the biggest impact.

AI to keep steamrolling on

2023 was undoubtedly the year of AI, so much so that the Collins Dictionary named it the most notable word of the previous 12 months. The rise of AI is primarily down to the emergence of generative AI chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google Bard. Increasingly, businesses are using these tools to assist with everyday work tasks, including write content and reports, research topics, create spreadsheets, write code, and more.

As is always the case with new technology, the response to AI’s growing popularity has been mixed. Recently, Microsoft founder Bill Gates described it as “the most revolutionary technology in decades” because it will “free people up to do things that software never will”. Contrastingly, in 2023, AI leaders, including the chiefs of Google Deepmind and OpenAI signed a 22-word statement warning of the risk AI poses to global catastrophe and even extinction.

It is, however, important to remember that AI was around long before 2023, though it is getting smarter all the time. In essence, AI is about making machines do tasks that traditionally require human intelligence by analysing and drawing predictions from digital data, but with processing speeds far quicker than humans. As a result, businesses have the potential to save a significant amount of time and financial investment in creating actionable insights while vastly improving their decision-making in the process. It also help us to create innovative ideas and business and even find the solutions for varieties of social issues we are facing. 

The year of the robot

At SoftBank Robotics, our collaborative robots are becoming smarter and more effective all the time through the incorporation of AI technology. By integrating AI with other intelligent technology, such as robotics and internet of things (IoT) sensors, we can harness historic and real-time data to improve the service and efficiency of our robots, including Whiz and the Keenbot tray delivery machines. AI analyses operational data to make improvements in areas such as learning the most efficient routes or maintenance schedules they require.

Robots are becoming an increasingly common sight not just in the home but also in public settings, such as train stations, restaurants, and commercial offices. Collaborative robots are designed to work seamlessly around humans, aiding with everyday tasks.


Everything is connected

It’s important to remember that all these modern technology concepts that have become part of our common language – AI, automation, IoT sensors, machine learning, data analytics, etc. – do not exist independently. They form part of an ecosystem that can make significant improvements in whichever area of the business or operations they are deployed in.

Data-driven technology, in conjunction with seamless integration alongside smart sensors, software, and user-friendly apps, empowers businesses to operate with greater speed and precision. Our transformational SBX concept allows users to create an environment where cleaners are equipped with cutting-edge tools that streamline their tasks, making their work more effective and less physically demanding. This not only improves their job satisfaction but also allows them to focus on higher-value tasks, ensuring that your business is not just moving faster, but also moving forward in a way that benefits all stakeholders.

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