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The importance of Information gathering in smart building transformation

In the rapidly evolving landscape of smart buildings, one significant area of transformation lies within facility management (FM), particularly in cleaning operations. Traditionally, FM companies have relied on limited metrics such as time and attendance, supervision, experience comparison, P&L, and perception-based standards to gauge their cleaning effectiveness.  

However, this narrow focus has led to a critical oversight: the failure to measure the cleaner's performance during their work. This oversight not only leads to inefficiencies and time loss but also hampers the ability to provide verifiable proof of clean. 

The Problem 

Current practices in FM companies often emphasize metrics that do not comprehensively capture the nuances of cleaning operations. While tracking time and attendance, supervision levels, and comparing experience provides some insight, these measures fall short of evaluating the costliest asset: the cleaner's performance during their work. As a result, FM companies face significant challenges: 

Inefficiencies and Time Loss: Without a detailed understanding of how cleaners perform their tasks, there is no way to identify inefficiencies or areas where time is being wasted. 

Lack of Proof of Clean: Relying on perception-based standards means there is no scientific or data-backed proof that the cleaning has been effectively carried out. 

Inability to Optimize Processes: Without comprehensive data, it becomes nearly impossible to implement meaningful process improvements. 

The Solution 

To address these challenges, leveraging advanced technology to gather comprehensive data on cleaning activities is paramount. Our approach, in partnership with our customers, focuses on capturing a wealth of information – one example of which is through sensor technology. How this can work depends on environmental needs and conditions but could include: 

Deployment of Smart Sensor Technology: Smart Sensors are strategically placed to monitor cleaner activities throughout the building. These smart sensors track various aspects such as movement, time spent in different areas, and usage of cleaning resources. 

Data Collection: The sensors collect data on aspects such as cleaner efficiency, movements of building users, usage of resources, and the overall quality of work performed. 

Data Analysis and Interpretation: The collected data is then analysed to provide meaningful insights. Patterns are identified, inefficiencies are highlighted, and areas needing improvement are pinpointed. 

Implementation of Recommendations: Based on the insights derived from the data, recommendations are made to enhance cleaning operations. This can include changes in cleaner deployment, improved resource management, and optimized cleaning schedules. 

Transformative Benefits 

The adoption of this data-driven approach in FM can lead to significant benefits: 

Enhanced Efficiency: By understanding the cleaner's performance in real-time, FM companies can make informed decisions that streamline operations and reduce time wastage. 

Verifiable Proof of Clean: Data-backed evidence provides scientific proof of cleaning activities, moving beyond perception-based standards to quantifiable results. 

Optimised Resource Use: Insights into resource usage, enable better inventory management and reduce wastage. 

Improved Performance: Continuous monitoring and analysis lead to ongoing improvements in cleaner performance and overall cleaning quality. 

Consider this: If cleaning services are a process, why does it make sense to only see the start, the finish, and the result decided by perception? Without visibility into the entire process, how can true efficiency and effectiveness be achieved? 

With our strategic approach, FM companies can gain comprehensive visibility into the whole holistic cleaning process. This technology allows us to show where the cleaner is, what they are doing, and scientifically demonstrate the result. This transformation not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of cleaning operations but also provides verifiable proof that can be shared with stakeholders. 

In the era of smart buildings, the transformation of cleaning operations through comprehensive data gathering and analysis is not just an option—it’s a necessity. By embracing aspects such as advanced sensor technology and leveraging data insights, FM companies can overcome traditional challenges, optimise their operations, and deliver superior cleaning services. The future of facility management lies in making informed decisions backed by real-time data, ensuring that every aspect of the cleaning process is visible, measurable, and improvable. 

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